The Check Engine Light on your dashboard, or MIL light (malfunction indicator light) seems like the most dreaded thing that can happen to your car. What does it mean? How much is it going to cost? Can you trust the guy working on your car?
The malfunction indicator lamp on your vehicle is supposed to be your friend. It can warn when a component on your vehicle is failing long before it fails and causes expensive damage to your vehicle. When the MIL light is on, there is a code (or codes) stored in your computer along with some data about what was happening in the when the code was set. This code and data give your technician clues about what is ailing your car. Usually with only a bit more testing, a good technician can pinpoint the issue.
An MIL light shouldn’t be the source of so much stress. Take your car to a qualified, honest and reliable Auto Repair shop you can trust with that seemingly pesky little light on your dashboard.
Harvey Road is fully equipped to retrieve trouble codes from your vehicle and test the ailing components. Our years of experience can save you time and money by getting the job done right the first time. Trust Harvey Road with your Check Engine Light.